NEWS - 06 February 2023

FLEXIndustries General Assembly

A meeting in Zaragoza to discuss project development

On January 24-25, 2023 in Zaragoza, CIRCE hosted the FLEXIndustries General Assembly meeting. The event, the first one after the Kick Off organised by RINA in July 2022, represented the occasion for the partners to discuss and present the project’s updates.

In particular, through the Demo sites presentations, it has been possible to underline the current status of the Demos, the actions implemented so far and those planned for the next 6 months. In addition to this, the technical and scientific partners had the chance to discuss with demos’ representatives, the best approach for the testing activities and the related targets. The GA has also been the context to present ICONS’ outputs concerning communication, dissemination & exploitation.

On Day 1, ICONS presented some data and results linked to the project promotion and stimulated the discussion among partners to improve communications strategies and approaches. Senior PM Ilaria Bonetti presented the FLEXIndustries communication “machine”, providing tips and hints such as how to use the hashtag, how to post pictures and comments to promote a meeting/event, and how to use key messages according to the target addressed.

On Day 2 most of the time has been dedicated to the Stakeholders’ workshop organized and managed by ICONS. The identification and prioritisation of stakeholders is very important to develop an efficient strategy to make use and disseminate project results. Stakeholders should be selected on the basis of the type of results generated in the project and on the type of exploitation and dissemination strategy each partner is willing to pursue during and after the project’s end.

Keeping this concept in mind, Claudia Crippa, Senior Business Analyst and Erica Moresco, Junior Business Analyst at ICONS have designed a workshop to map the possible stakeholders that can be addressed and have a role in the exploitation and dissemination of the project’s results, to make a greater impact outside project’s boundaries. The workshop has been successful, and partners have engaged actively in the identification of stakeholders providing important inputs for the creation of a stakeholders’ database for FLEXIndustries’ results. The practical work has engaged the partners for almost 2 hours and led to some interesting and useful results that will be processed by ICONS and analyzed for future actions.

Stay tuned for FLEXIndustries next updates!

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