NEWS - 11 September 2023

FLEXINDUSTRIES at the 18th SDEWES Conference

CIRCE will attend the SDEWES Conference to present FLEXIndustries updates

The 18th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES) is dedicated to the advancement and dissemination of knowledge on methods, policies and technologies for increasing the sustainability of development by de-coupling growth from the use of natural resources and by a transition to a knowledge-based economy. All taking into account the economic, environmental and social pillars of sustainable development.

The event will take place in Dubrovnik, Croatia, starting from the 24th to the 29th of September, and it will represent a perfect opportunity for FLEXIndustries to present its updates and results and be part of the dialogue on flexible energy for Energy Intensive Industries.

For the occasion, Laureana Luciani Zabaleta from CIRCE will present an article based on the achievements obtained so far throughout the FLEXIndustries project.

What will you present during the Conference?

“We will present the article titled ‘Assessment of the Energy Market in Energy-Intensive Industries and Analysis of Their Potential and Constraints to Access Flexibility Mechanisms’ at the XVIII SDEWES Conference, which will take place online during the week of September 24th in Dubrovnik. We have prepared a presentation that will be available on-demand for conference participants.”

What do you expect to take home after participating in this event?

“I expect to take away, first, the experience of being the lead author of a paper, as my previous experiences have been as a co-author. Additionally, I aim to bring visibility to the FLEXIndustries project, and the work carried out over 9 months throughout the duration of our task, in collaboration with my colleagues and the representatives of the various pilot companies involved in the project. I believe that the data collected and the conclusions we have reached can provide valuable insights into the analysis of existing energy flexibility options for energy-intensive industries, considering the heterogeneity among different sectors.”

Learn more about the conference here!

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